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發(fā)表于 2015-5-7 09:48:13 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
本帖最后由 qq307101965 于 2015-5-7 10:15 編輯
! {9 e7 _6 M% d/ X- @! i
( b' k0 E4 `7 y0 D- ]% u) s工作兩年,最近決定辭職,,領導挽留,,毅然決然離開!1 B! S. @% m: n$ R. J: Q( a
網(wǎng)上看到的一段話,,與大家分享,!. q- X( D% w5 s% u& Z* N/ g9 K  \$ ?

& @% t; U0 V  Y3 U& G7 _: O8 k" A1 l; n" [, t
You sit down with your boss to tell her you’ve been offered a job elsewhere and that you’ll be leaving the company in a few weeks. It will probably be an awkwardconversation, and it’ll become even more uncomfortable when she asks you to stay. She might offer you better incentives, like more money or a job promotion–but as enticing as the counteroffer may be, career experts say you shouldn’t accept.
. m+ J( c- R: k( j: O! x你坐在老板面前,告訴他另外有家公司聘請了你,,你將在幾周內(nèi)離開本公司,。這可能是場令人尷尬的談話,當老板請求你留下時會變得更加尷尬,。他可能會向你開出更好的條件,,比如加薪或升職。這或許很誘人,,但職場專家說,,你不應該接受。/ f6 q) M% v+ |+ K1 M2 }
% Q% r. K- w/ g: T, e
2 `1 t; g6 H9 o  S9 }
Often, the two weeks’ notice becomes a wake-up call to the employer that they’ve missed something and were not as attuned to the employee as they thought they were. They realize they don’t want to lose this individual and so they need to take steps to rectifythe situation.
& w* U" q: R/ G- @* D% I通常,,提前兩周的辭職通知會使雇主意識到,,他們錯過了某樣東西,他們對待這位員工或許不像他們以為的那樣好,。他們意識到,,他們不想失去這個人,因此他們必須采取措施扭轉(zhuǎn)局面,。3 K( W+ |. F8 Y2 W  P$ q( d
' B& p7 B2 V- Z! ]5 E- X) ^
* E& @  A* Q' S3 e1 w. q& d9 P
A counteroffer is a knee-jerk reaction. [Your employer] may immediately think, ‘Oh, no, how can we get by without him?’ Many organizations are stretched to their capacity in terms of what they can get done with the people they have on board, and it can be frightening, at first, for your boss to imagine how to pick up the slack or train someone new.% q5 X9 l2 S. a7 S2 ~/ d
還價是本能反應,。(你的雇主)可能會馬上想到, 噢,,不,,沒有他的話我們怎么工作? 很多公司竭盡所能地挽留現(xiàn)有員工,。起初,,你的老板一想到如何接手你留下的工作或者培訓新人就會感到頭疼。
' o' t+ t4 M3 H' X/ u8 ?2 D
9 K7 ~0 v0 d3 T: o9 c2 s1 C! ^1 A; F( K& }, g
If they counteroffer, they probably think you have a lot of valuable insights. They put a lot of effort into training you for your current job. That training cost them money, and they hate to lose their investment in you to another organization.
. R* [, C- F0 \& v如果老板向你還價,,那么他們可能認為你還有價值,。他們花費大力氣培訓你做好現(xiàn)在這份工作。培訓花了他們的錢。他們很不愿意失去他們對你的投資,,讓另外一家公司撿便宜,。
$ A- s) T; ?: k5 m1 s" b* u1 m; j" Q8 Q$ z

+ W& I* m+ t6 f6 U' t0 MYour employer may counteroffer because they want you to stick around long enough to find a replacement and paying a little extra now is worth it in terms of keeping the train moving, versus the potential delays and issues that would arise from an empty cubicleseat. But this could be dangerous for you.+ v6 E9 F, C3 L  W! M) y
1 i# N$ P% e# ]
( s' C6 @+ \: N9 u8 \( o. V
) @9 ]0 l3 t9 D: ], lI suspect that most companies do not see this as a long-term expense, as you have already ‘outted’ yourself as a flight risk. Most likely, they will let you go once they have someone else to replace you. Forgive me if that sounds cynical, but I have spoken with people that have experienced that first hand.7 h5 _( O( o' N. j5 a2 O
我認為大多數(shù)公司都不會把還價后你的留任當做長期做法,因為你是具有外逃風險的人,,你已經(jīng)讓自己出局了,。最有可能的是,一旦他們有了能夠接替你的人選,,就會讓你離開,。請原諒我說得這么冷酷無情,但我與那些有這種親身經(jīng)歷的人交談過,。! l( i9 N6 |1 j- M/ B
5 |& W7 H' a. y! ?% a9 Q3 w

& Y' a* p$ h) L5 U: qOne way to avoid this altogether: Don’t disclose the salary you’re being offered by the other company.
8 Q& J7 o, a+ C( M0 M) L* }, X徹底避免遇到這種情況的一個方法是,,不要透露另外那家公司向你開出的薪水。' V3 I. u/ i+ ~
9 J+ }- p! L- W+ b( ]$ v, B

% ]4 H2 r7 b  x' n+ \If you decide to tell your boss the new salary, he or she may realize that [money is what's] pulling you away from the company. In response, the boss may counteroffer with more money, a bonus, a promotion, or better work schedule to get you to stay.
3 i, C6 x/ G! |6 a+ t如果你決定把另外那家公司開出的薪水告訴你的老板,,他或她可能會認為金錢是令你辭職的原因,。對此,老板可能會還價,,用加薪,、獎金、升職或更好的工作日程來挽留你,。
: ]* v- Z( |9 k; @: K- @' X5 j' U- v' o7 d

  l* s) A& m! i/ N* _While it’s flattering to be so sought-after, it’s probably not worth the risk in most cases. Consider the reason you were looking for a new job in the first place. Was it only about money? Perhaps you are looking for a new challenge, new colleagues, a new corporate culture, or flexibility at work? Maybe you are switching industries to follow a passion or interest? Accepting a counteroffer typically prevents you from accomplishing these goals., Q# Q0 i  k! o* E4 P
1 W& ~6 p* y# ~! O, v/ e" P+ w
- e1 d1 |. h* |: G, ~( y. C2 }9 }# d5 J
If you determine that accepting the counteroffer isn’t in your best interest, you should decline politely to avoid burning bridges. You never know. You may have to work with that person again in a new capacity. Maybe they will become a customer. Maybe they will be pals with an executive you are trying to partner with. It’s a very small world.1 D. K& S+ X3 B3 M# s% s
3 k0 d, Y9 u* r- `
( k# t" r8 \1 P! ]- p& Z( F# z3 S" a$ E, t6 r4 D
First, thank your boss for the counteroffer. Say, “I am truly flattered, but wheels have been set in motion and I cannot renege on my word. I realize that my leaving may put you at a disadvantage which is why I have put my work in order, made notes on all the projects I am currently working on and giving you a list of potential hires that I have already vetted.”! }# q7 {2 M$ d
0 R* k' W5 K# t, f5 N  b3 I. Z7 h$ a

6 g: W6 N" v8 d2 [A week after leaving the company, send a thank you note for the lessons learned while working at the past employer. “Send wishes of continued success”.
# T+ R9 f0 d/ X2 G/ y$ F  |. g' f在離開公司一周后,,向前雇主寫封信,感謝在他手下工作時學到的經(jīng)驗教訓,�,!白T杆^續(xù)成功�,!�2 i, O+ C+ j! @5 }

  t% w/ b4 k- \! F


參與人數(shù) 1威望 +1 收起 理由
xzcs + 1 對我有用呀


發(fā)表于 2015-5-7 09:56:48 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2015-5-7 10:02:38 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2015-5-7 10:13:34 | 只看該作者
工作兩年,,最近決定辭職,,領導挽留,你該怎么抉擇,!: N" m( l! ~5 p. X

  G. p2 H6 A. N% s. R4 C0 C9 \* }看到這樣的標題就笑疼肚皮,。
( z. _- k3 V" N* A5 j  y% L/ B+ k; |7 l3 W# H
( [. q& D8 r! k' j' F$ O4 U1 {
9 \, M- @% E7 X- |! K還不如直接去問街邊邊擺凳子的算命
  d5 ^, H" _. C% b" Q) s" h0 U; a; T/ C2 M* n: _

9 Z$ r  U. }' P. B
: S! }$ m3 Z8 K9 g, N
! h+ f* n7 \, j7 S
 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2015-5-7 10:13:53 | 只看該作者
山中漁人 發(fā)表于 2015-5-7 09:56 8 {9 i9 r" o9 V1 a' s6 L! _: I

4 F' g; n# U5 }/ r8 G這不是選擇題,,我只是想與大家分享,當你決定離職時,,領導定會挽留你,,你此時心應該怎樣選擇,。
6 X9 l3 C# l) Q+ `1 [# M; [# I在網(wǎng)上看到了這樣一段話,想與大家分享一下而已,!
% K. z% D$ x5 g+ o. C
 樓主| 發(fā)表于 2015-5-7 10:16:49 | 只看該作者
lanyuedao 發(fā)表于 2015-5-7 10:02
% X' t% Q9 R2 s3 |你這不帶劇情的選擇題是讓我們怎么做?

4 {# Z( o$ p& T' j這不是選擇題,,我只是想與大家分享,當你決定離職時,,領導定會挽留你,,你此時心應該怎樣選擇。
* c* R5 e. X, l/ l9 y: U! [  E在網(wǎng)上看到了這樣一段話,,想與大家分享一下而已,!
% k5 U4 T! }1 R3 d$ Q6 m3 W
發(fā)表于 2015-5-7 11:06:20 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2015-5-7 11:06:55 | 只看該作者
發(fā)表于 2015-5-7 13:10:40 | 只看該作者
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