4 n0 j- G. s; A& @分享在他網(wǎng)的回覆
Y2 H6 J& h# h9 w; l: }' O+ z1 H- H& j) |8 \' T& K7 b m; Q- D
. m' E, Q( \0 [2 K8 y. N5 Q) f
2 j" O6 e; ^- d9 ^! [# J' t; | k0 ^5 {. r
' S$ g$ |* }) W( H% R5 S+ H
- ' ************************************************************************************' V* r) W' H U) E; x; ]* W8 k: L
- ' 依據(jù)配置特定屬性之"件號"及"名稱"存檔 - macro recorded on 10/30/18 by scliang
Q, k( g+ \: I% U/ I - ' ************************************************************************************: Y# m# M; Z2 V' |) ]
- / E- I9 a: t& T4 @) I* \4 d+ E" }
- Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
. T6 ?3 R: J- D; G0 G6 ^ - Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
8 p7 J5 T9 T* ~2 i - Dim swConfigMgr As SldWorks.ConfigurationManager
8 B4 D1 R; Z0 o) _# l. W - Dim swConfig As SldWorks.Configuration
5 U+ L! g! \: a ^( e - Dim swCustPropMgr As SldWorks.CustomPropertyManager# G0 M2 L' O) w& ?
- Dim nNbrProps As Long6 H& _9 _' k( B% a6 ^
- Dim Part As Object
" P' Q' h% j8 }+ N - Dim Code_Name(2) As String7 B, y6 ]" ^4 m3 l1 B
- Dim valOut As String- f: @- d0 N1 B, y. |( M9 S6 w
- Dim resolvedValOut As String' r$ }: q( h) b% X
- Dim longstatus As Long
& N( B- q: i; U, R6 l5 s
# L# T; }: h8 Z7 L: U* z
7 h5 ~1 P6 m5 d: i& W# u+ U7 x- Sub main()
$ A- h2 ], Y* R; H+ ]: k - ! z: I x. [6 B( B" P2 K
- Set swApp = Application.SldWorks# F0 i- F2 Z. w+ w5 a
- Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc5 U2 N& D- B6 Q. _$ R* j+ m- X
- Set swConfigMgr = swModel.ConfigurationManager/ f, w+ @9 s' Y1 ?- @# t9 W7 [
- Set swConfig = swConfigMgr.ActiveConfiguration; o" C- a, B9 j0 u# G2 o
- Set swCustPropMgr = swConfig.CustomPropertyManager
2 W" b* ~4 g- C1 G# b* @9 G - ' Get the number of custom properties for this configuration
7 U" o4 C/ c2 N7 ]8 `4 Y8 k - nNbrProps = swCustPropMgr.Count2 l/ h* {5 E# {' U- P
- vPropNames = swCustPropMgr.GetNames
% h% X) G; C0 T7 M# A - For j = 0 To nNbrProps - 1
! Q/ _5 x3 Q9 z: k7 d - swCustPropMgr.Get2 vPropNames(j), valOut, resolvedValOut
/ f H6 O) @8 I) b2 l$ r4 _ - If vPropNames(j) = "代號" Then Code_Name(0) = valOut
6 f# b" [- W: e9 }6 K: n; | u - If vPropNames(j) = "名稱" Then Code_Name(1) = valOut1 e6 _+ O" s& M7 h
- Next j
4 J7 a" ~( q/ c+ W0 ^ - 'Debug.Print " Name, type, and resolved value of custom property: " & "代號: " & Code_Name(0) & " ----- " & "名稱:" & Code_Name(1)
: z9 ~" X0 M; n - Path_Name = swApp.ActiveDoc.GetPathName '取得"路徑名稱及擴展名",不管擴展名是否隱藏1 {3 z, y' v9 m; ~: h- B
- Path_ = Left(Path_Name, InStrRev(Path_Name, "")) '提出路徑
5 R2 z C! `, _: D; l. R& N" [ - Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc
% ?& M& l/ ]0 a' E) S - longstatus = Part.SaveAs3(Path_ & Code_Name(0) & " " & Code_Name(1) & ".SLDPRT", 0, 2) '依據(jù)配置屬性"件號"及"名稱"存檔& t7 A6 X+ s e/ v1 E# P( U, a( C- \+ q
2 G( W4 M$ O( k* g/ B% j+ r( e$ q+ M- End Sub, p$ u+ Q( ]- B" g$ ]' O
復(fù)制代碼 5 x4 P( y' |$ ~0 [$ P4 L3 N
. |& h. v8 d" K
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